07 接辞
7.0 Affixes
Up to this point, the morpho-phonological Slots of formative have each contained a mandatory affix (although some of these affixes can be elided in certain circumstances). However, Slots V and VII are different, in that they contain optional affixes which can be agglutinated (i.e., multiple affixes sequentially strung together).
- Term
- (
- Category
- Concatenation status indicator
- Form
- consonantal form consisting of either a glottal stop or a form beginning with -h-.
- Term
- Category
- Version + Stem
- Form
- vocalic affix
- Term
- Category
- Main Root
- Form
- cons. form
- Term
- Category
- Function + Specification + Context
- Form
- vocalic affix
- Term
- (
... )
- Category
affix(es) apply to stem but not toCa
; Form is -CsVx
- (i.e., reversed from standard Slot VIIVxCs
- Form
- consonant + vowel
- Term
- Category
- Configuration + Extension + Affiliation + Perspective + Essence
- Form
- if Slot V is filled,
is geminated
- Term
- (
... )
- Category
affixes apply to stem +Ca
- Form
- vowel + consonant
- Term
- (
- Category
- Valence OR Aspect OR Phase OR Level OR Effect
Choose one of the five + Mood/Case-Scope
- Form
- Modular Slot containing a vowel-form + consonant-form
- Term
- Category
- Case OR Format OR Illocution + Validation
as determined by Slot X syllabic stress
- Form
- vocalic affix
- Term
- Category
- penultimate stress = UNFRAMED Relation +
ultimate stress = UNFRAMED Relation +Vk
antepenultimate stress = FRAMED Relation +Vc
- Form
- Suprasegmental form
The phonological format of Slot V and Slot VII affixes comprises a vocalic increment Vx
plus a consonantal increment Cs
to give a format of VxCs
. The consonantal Cs
component never changes, however the Vx
vocalic component consists of an array of thirty different vowel-forms, by which the affix creates a complex matrix of different types and degrees, explained and illustrated in the sub-sections below.
Degree | Type-1 | Type-2 | Type-3 |
1 | a | ai | ia / uä |
2 | ä | au | ie / uë |
3 | e | ei | io / üä |
4 | i | eu | iö / üë |
5 | ëi | ëu | eë |
6 | ö | ou | uö / öë |
7 | o | oi | uo / öä |
8 | ü | iu | ue / ië |
9 | u | ui | ua / iä |
0 | ae | ea | üo |
No Cs
form can contain a glottal-stop or begin with h-, nor can the following specific consonant-forms occur as Cs
: -w-, -y-, -ç-, -ļ-, -ļw-, or -ļy-. Additionally, no geminated consonant can be a Cs
7.0.1 Degree 0
The last row of values in the table above is termed “Degree Zero”, indicating an unspecified degree and refers to the affix’s general semantic concept as a whole. Note that even though a Degree Zero form technically exists for all affixes, not all affixes will utilize it if the semantics of the particular affix do not make for a coherent interpretation of a Degree Zero value.
7.0.2 Ca
The specialized Vx
value -üö, is used to indicate that the subsequent Cs
consonant-form is to be interpreted as a Ca
complex having scope over (i.e., stacked upon) the Slot VI Ca
complex of the stem (see Sec. 3.6 for an explanation of the Ca
Revisor’s Comment
Its scope depends on which Slot the Ca
stacking affix is in: For in Slot V and VII, the former is governed by Slot VI Ca
, and the latter governs Slot VI Ca
7.1 VxCs
Affix Degree and Gradient-Type
All VxCs
affixes have nine different degrees (plus a “degree-less” “zero” form). The nine degrees are used to create a range or gradient-like spectrum of meanings of seven different types. For the purposes of grammatical notation, the degree of an affix is shown as a number 0 through 9 with a preceding slash, immediately following the V-marker (with its affix-type shown as a subscript) and the specific Cs
consonantal form, VxCs/#
, e.g., -V₂g/7
. The gradient types are explained below.
No gradient pattern. The nine degrees of the affix do not manifest any particular hierarchical semantic gradient. Affixes of Gradient Type 0 are either a single sibilant (whether a fricative or affricate), a sibilant + stop, a sibilant + fricative (other than -ç-, -x-, or -h-), or a bi-consonantal form ending in a sibilant, e.g., -s, -č, -sk, -gz, -jd. An example of a Gradient Type Zero affix is -sp shown below.
-sp | NEW* | Newness/Revision(Newness/Revision)
- new = original + new, i.e., never before seen
- new = never before seen within current context, e.g., a new student
- new = role, i.e., never functioning/existing in this capacity/manner before
- new/other = replacement + new
- new/other = additional instance + new
- new/other = revision + additional
- new/other = revision + replacement
- new/other/different = different, not seen/used before within current context; status as addition or replacement is unknown or inapplicable
- new/other/different = different + new; status as addition or replacement is unknown or inapplicable
A bivalent zero-to-one gradient. Degree 1 signifies one extreme of a gradient spectrum/range of meaning (whether minimal or maximal) while Degree 9 signifies the other extreme (whether minimal or maximal). Degrees 2 through 8 cumulatively add (or subtract) an amount of the concept associated with the affix. Gradient Type A1 affixes consist of a a bi- or tri-consonantal form beginning with -r or -ř, e.g., -rt, -řn, -rks. An example of a Gradient Type A1 affix is -rļ shown below.
-rļ | FAM | Degree Of Familiarity(Degree Of Familiarity)
- unknowable / alien; unable to even try X-ing
- totally unfamiliar, utterly strange; totally unaccustomed to X-ing
- unfamiliar, strange; unaccustomed to X-ing
- somewhat unfamiliar; somewhat unaccustomed to X-ing
- just becoming familiar, just getting to know; just getting used to X-ing
- somewhat familiar; somewhat accustomed to X-ing
- familiar/known; accustomed to X-ing
- well-known / utterly familiar with / ingrained; inherently accustomed or used to X-ing
- intimate with; intimately involved with / intimately accustomed to
A bivalent “zero-to-one” spectrum-like gradient like Type A1 where Degrees 1 and 9 convey sufficiency connotations of “too little X” and “too much X”. Gradient Type D affixes consist of or end in -h (except -rh and -řh, which are Type A1). An example of a Gradient Type A2 affix is -mh shown below.
-mh | FLS | Degree of Fluctuation/Stability(Degree of Fluctuation/Stability)
- too unstable / too random
- unstable / highly variable/random fluctuation or instability
- moderately variable/random fluctuation or instability
- increasing fluctuation or destabilization in pattern
- tending toward fluctuations and periods of instability
- decreasing fluctuation or instability in pattern = increasing stability
- moderately stable and lacking in fluctuations
- complete lack of fluctuation or instability; highly stable, steadfast
- too stable
A “three-by-three” gradient pattern. Degrees 1 through 3 signify a spectrum or range involving one sub-parameter, Degrees 4 through 6 signify the same spectrum/range under a different sub-parameter, and Degrees 7 through 9 signify the same spectrum/range under a third sub-parameter. Gradient Type B affixes consist of at least two consonants and always begin or end with -ç-. An example of a Gradient Type B affix is -çţ shown below.
-çţ | RPN | Pattern of Spatio-Temporal Repetition or Distribution of Set Members(Pattern of Spatio-Temporal Repetition or Distribution of Set Members)
- slow-paced repetition at regular intervals
- slow-paced repetition at irregular intervals
- slow-paced repetition at mixed intervals
- mid-paced repetition at irregular intervals
- mid-paced repetition at regular intervals
- mid-paced repetition at mixed intervals
- fast-paced repetition at mixed intervals
- fast-paced repetition at irregular intervals
- fast-paced repetition at regular intervals
A “one-by-two” or “oscillating” gradient. Degree 1 represents one extreme of a spectrum/range which increases/decreases to the other extreme of the spectrum/range usually represented by Degree 4, while Degrees 6 through 9 cycle back through the same values but with a different sub-parameter operating orthogonally to Degrees 1 through 4. Degree 5 usually represents a neutral or meta-level value associated with the semantic concept of the affix. Gradient Type C affixes consist of or end in -ř. An example of a Gradient Type C affix is -nř shown below.
-nř | AGN | Degree of Agency, Intent or Effectiveness(Degree of Agency, Intent or Effectiveness)
- with the anticipated max. resulting effect possible
- with the anticipated resulting effect to a high degree
- with the anticipated resulting effect to a moderate degree
- with the anticipated resulting effect but only to a marginal, superficial or barely noticeable degree
- with no noticeable effect or resulting change
- with only marginal, superficial, or barely noticeable effect or resulting change unanticipated
- with moderate effect or resulting change — unanticipated
- with the resulting effect to a high degree — unanticipated
- with the max. resulting effect possible — unanticipated
A trivalent “-1 to zero to +1” gradient. Degrees 1 and 9 represent opposite (or complementary) extremes of a spectrum/range while Degree 5 (sometimes Degree 4 or 6) represents a “mid-point” signifying a standard, normal, commonplace, neutral, zero, or baseline value. This is the most common type of affix. Any consonant-form that does not phonologically conform to the other types is a Gradient Type D1 affix. An example of a Gradient Type Zero affix is -lţ shown below.
-lţ | SQT | Sequence Relative to Present Context(Sequence Relative to Present Context)
- the former; primarily
- two before preceding
- one before preceding
- immediately beforehand / the preceding / first (of two)
- current/at hand; now/currently / at the moment [in sequence of events]
- next / following; then / next
- one after next
- second one after next
- the latter; secondarily
A trivalent “-1 to zero to +1” gradient like Type D1 where Degrees 1 and 9 convey sufficiency connotations of “too little X” and “too much X”, where the operating sufficiency parameter is excessiveness (or the lack thereof). Gradient Type D2 affixes either end in (or consist of) -x, or consist of two or more consonants ending in -m. An example of a Gradient Type D2 affix is -km shown below.
-km | TME | Degree Of Timeliness(Degree Of Timeliness (renamed from LAT))
- too early / too soon
- (quite) early
- a little early / a bit soon
- almost late / not a moment too soon / none too soon
- just in time / sharp / on the dot
- slightly late but not enough to make a difference
- a little late
- late / just missed it
- too late / you missed it
7.2 VxCs
Affix Type
Each VxCs
affix comes in three types, numbered 1, 2, and 3, indicated by variances in the initial vocalic component of the affix. For the purposes of grammatical notation, the degree of an affix is shown as a subscript to the vocalic V-marker of an affix (i.e., it replaces the subscript-x in the notation VxCs
e.g., -V₂g/7
Use of the Type-1 version of an affix caries a mere circumstantial meaning applicable to the context at hand in a subjectively incidental, happenstance, temporary, or informal manner, whereas the Type-2 version of an affix implies a derivational meaning which can entail lexical differences when translating into English.
For example, the Type-1 affix -urx, i.e., -V₁rx/9
, and its Type-2 counterpart -uirx, i.e., -V₂rx/9
, which both mean ‘exactly similar to…/indistinguishable from/identical…,’ the difference in usage being that the Type-1 affix conveys merely a circumstantial or incidental similarity, while the Type-2 affix implies that the similarity is an integral aspect of the word. In English, such a distinction would most likely be conveyed by using a different word. For example, note the difference when we add these two affixes to the Ithkuil word wal ‘person’: walurx means ‘identical-looking person,’ whereas waluirx means ‘twin.’ In this way, we can say that the affix -Vrx
with Type-1 vocalic infixes conveys a circumstantial application of its meaning to a stem, while with Type-2 vocalic infixes it conveys a derivational application of its meaning (i.e., wholly new concepts or words are derived from the stem).
As for Type-3 affixes, these are used in circumstances where the meaning of the affix is meant to be applied not to the formative itself, but rather to the immediately adjacent affix. This is somewhat analogous to the way that adverbs can be used to modify descriptive adjectives in English. For example, in the phrase ‘suddenly blue sky’, it is the blueness that is sudden, not the sky. In Ithkuil, Type-3 affixes modify another affix (usually the one following, unless there are only two affixes on the stem, in which case the affix order is irrelevant); this is done by using Type-3 vocalic infixes. For example, the affix -Vcč/7
, which means ‘made-up, imaginary,’ can be used both circumstantially (using the Type-1 infix) and derivationally (using the Type-2 infix) to modify a stem, or can be used to modify only the adjacent affix (using the Type-3 infix). Such affixes must immediately precede the affix they are modifying, unless they are in word-final position, in which case they modify the immediately preceding affix. This is illustrated below:
- Type-1 affix: walocča:
a made-up/imaginary person
- Type-2 affix: waloicča:
a fictional person
(i.e., a character from a work of fiction) - Type-3 affix: waluocčox:
a person who is imagined to be large
(where affix-V₁x/7
= ‘large’)
The following example illustrates the use of a Type-2 affix modified by a Type-3 affix to create the concept of ‘breakfast’, analyzable literally as “formal/conventionalized instance of morning-time eating/drinking of foodstuff”:
- Alksodëubzuöřcá
- “eat/drink.foodstuff”-DYN-CSV-PRX-FEA₂/5-AMD₃/6-OBS
- kšilu.
- “clown”-OBJ-IND
The clown is eating breakfast.
7.3 Glottal Stop Requirements
There are two situations in which a glottal stop must be inserted into a formative in order to avoid confusion caused by the VxCs
affixes in Slot V. These are described below.
7.3.1 Using Slot II to Foreshadow the Presence of Multiple Affixes in Slot V
When Slot V of a formative contains more than one CsVx
or VxCs
affix, it becomes a problem whether to interpret the consonant forms as Cs
forms or a Ca
form until the eventual “arrival” of the end-of-Slot-V marker. Therefore, it is necessary to signal early on whether Slot V of a formative will contain more than one CsVx
or VxCs
affix. To do so, insert a glottal-stop into the Vv
form of Slot II per the rules in Sec. 2.2.
7.3.2 Showing the End of Slot V in the Absence of a Slot VI Ca
For formatives containing any Slot V VxCs
affix(es) where the Slot VI Ca
form has been elided (see Sec. 3.10 on “short-cut” formatives), the end of Slot V is instead shown by inserting a glottal-stop into the Vx
form of the final Slot V VxCs
affix. This glottal-stop is inserted per the rules in Sec. 2.2. (NOTE: if such a Slot V glottal-stop is present and Slot I shows the word has a Slot IV/VI Shortcut, then the VC shortening rule from the Special Note in Sec. 4.6 cannot be used.)
7.4 Slot V Affixes versus Slot VII Affixes
There is a difference between Slots V versus Slot VII affixes in terms of the phonological structure of the affix, as well as a difference in the semantic scope of the affix over the rest of the formative. This is explained as follows:
- Slot V affixes: If a
complex is present in Slot VI of the formative, any Slot V affixes are shown in reversed form:CsVx
; however, if the Slot IVVr
and Slot VICa
complex have been elided as indicated by Slot I (see Sec. 3.10 on “short-cut” formatives), then any Slot V affixes are shown in the standard formVxCs
. As detailed earlier in Sec. 3.6.1, the presence of a Slot V affix requires any Slot VICa
complex to be geminated.
ALSO: The semantic scope of any Slot V affixes applies only to the formative Stem, not to its Slot VI Ca
affix-complex (i.e., the various meanings of the Ca
affix-complex are applied to the formative stem AFTER the stem has first been modified by its Slot V affixes).
- Slot VII affixes are shown in standard form
form, and apply to both the stem AND itsCa
affix-complex (i.e., the meanings of theCa
affix-complex are applied to the formative stem first, then the resulting stem +Ca
complex is then modified by any Slot VII affixes). Note that in the absence of any Slot V affix(es), the presence of any Slot VII affix(es) does not trigger the gemination of any Slot VICa
The following example illustrates the difference between placing the VxCs
affix -V₁x/7
affix -ox (meaning ‘large in size’) in Slot V versus Slot VII:
- Slot V: rraxoţţ “a group of large but (otherwise) dissimilar cats”
- Slot VII:rraţox “a large group of dissimilar cats”
7.5 List of VxCs
While Sec. 9.1 above offered a small sample of the different kinds of VxCs
affixes, there are in fact several hundred different VxCs
affixes. They are listed in a separate Affixes document.
Please consult the computerized database as your primary reference, as it offers rectifications and supplementary information for the errors found in the original document.
7.6 Case-Accessor, Inverse Case-Accessor, and Case-Stacking Affixes
The concept of Case-Accessor, Inverse Case-Accessor, and Case-Stacking affixes was introduced in Sec. 4.11. Because they superficially share the same phonological structure as VxCs
affixes, and occupy Slots V and VII the same as VxCs
affixes, we have waited until now to present the full list of such affixes and their phonological structure.
- C.A.: (to be) party acting as the THEME/CONTENT of X
- I.A.: (to be) that of/for which X functions as the THEME/CONTENT
- C.S.: (to be) a THM semantic relationship where X functions as the THEME/CONTENT of something
- C.A.: (to be) the INSTRUMENT/MEANS by/via which X occurs
- I.A.: (to be) that by/via which X is the INSTRUMENT/MEANS
- C.S.: (to be) a INS semantic relationship where X is the INSTRUMENT/MEANS of something
- C.A.: (to be) the PATIENT to which/whom X happens
- I.A.: (to be) that which happens/is done to the PATIENT X
- C.S.: (to be) a ABS semantic relationship where X is the the PATIENT to which something happens/is done
- C.A.: (to be) the EXPERIENCER or undergoer of X (as an affective experience)
- I.A.: (to be) that which the X undergoes as an affective experience
- C.S.: (to be) a AFF semantic relationship where X undergoes the affective experience
- C.A.: (to be) that which is the affective STIMULUS of X
- I.A.: (to be) that of/for which X is the affective STIMULUS
- C.S.: (to be) a STM semantic relationship where X is the affective STIMULUS of something
- C.A.: (to be) the ENABLER initiating an event chain leading to X
- I.A.: (to be) the event (chain) that the ENABLER X initiates
- C.S.: (to be) a EFF semantic relationship where the ENABLER X initiates the event (chain)
- C.A.: (to be) the AGENT who/that X’s
- I.A.: (to be) that which the AGENT or FORCE X does/initiates
- C.S.: (to be) a ERG semantic relationship where the AGENT or FORCE X does/initiates something
- C.A.: (to be) the RECIPIENT of X or of the act of X
- I.A.: (to be) that which the RECIPIENT X receives
- C.S.: (to be) a DAT semantic relationship where the RECIPIENT X receives something
- C.A.: (to be) the AGENT who/that X’s him-/her-/itself
- I.A.: (to be) that which the AGENT X does to him-/her-/itself
- C.S.: (to be) a IND semantic relationship where the AGENT X does something to him-/her-/itself
- C.A.: (to be) the alienable/circumstantial possessor of X
- I.A.: (to be) that which X alienably or circumstantially possesses
- C.S.: (to be) a POS semantic relationship where X alienably or circumstantially possesses something
- C.A.: (to be) the owner of X; that to which/whom X belongs
- I.A.: (to be)
that to whom/which X belongsthat which belongs to X; that which X owns - C.S.: (to be) a PRP semantic relationship where X owns something
- C.A.: (to be) the inalienable possessor of X
- I.A.: (to be) that which X inalienably possesses
- C.S.: (to be) a GEN semantic relationship where X inalienably possesses something
- C.A.: (to be) that to which/whom X is an attribute/characteristic
- I.A.: (to be) that which X has as an attribute/characteristic
- C.S.: (to be) a ATT semantic relationship where X has the attribute/characteristic
- C.A.: (to be) the originator/author/creator of X
- I.A.: (to be) that which X authored/created or originated
- C.S.: (to be) a PDC semantic relationship where X authored/created/originated something
- C.A.: (to be) the party X by / thru which / whom something is subjectively interpreted / considered / described
- I.A.: (to be) that which is subjectively considered, described or interpreted by/thru X
- C.S.: (to be) a ITP semantic relationship where X subjectively considers/describes/interpretes something
- C.A.: (to be) the original or inherent location/source of X
- I.A.: (to be) that of which X is the original or inherent source/location
- C.S.: (to be) a OGN semantic relationship where X is the original or inherent source/location of something
- C.A.: (to be) that with which or to which, X has a complementary relationship
- I.A.: (to be)
that which is the complementary relationship shared with X[same as Acc.]: For the deleted definition of this Inverse Accessor, you should use Case Stacking Affix instead. - C.S.: (to be) a IDP semantic relationship, i.e. the complementary relationship, between X and something
- C.A.: (to be)
that of which X is its apportioned or enumerated contentsthat which is X’s apportioned or enumerated contents - I.A.: (to be)
that which is X’s apportioned or enumerated contentsthat of which X is its apportioned or enumerated contents - C.S.: (to be) a PAR semantic relationship where X is apportioned or enumerated contents of something
- C.A.: (to be)
Difference From Ithkuil 2011:
- The PARTITIVE will now only appear in apposition to another noun; it will no longer operate independently to mean “some/a portion of X”. For this latter meaning, one must utilize the DGR, PTW, PTT, EXN, SUF, EXD, CNM, FEA/3 or similar affix, or concatenate X in PARTITIVE Format into a noun referring to the container, amount, or degree of X.
- C.A.: (to be) the purpose/function/use to which X is circumstantially put
- I.A.: (to be) that which has X as its circumstantial, temporary use/function/purpose
- C.S.: (to be) a APL semantic relationship where X is the circumstantial, temporary use/function/purpose of something
- PURPOSIVE PUR: ie / uë
- C.A.: (to be) the intrinsic/inherent/innate purpose of X
- I.A.: (to be) that which has X as its intrinsic, inherent, innate purpose
- C.S.: (to be) a PUR semantic relationship where X is the intrinsic/inherent/innate purpose of something
- C.A.: (to be) that which/whom the intended benefit/detriment from X is for; that which is intended to be benefited/detrimented by X
- I.A.: (to be)
that which is the intended benefit or detriment of (receiving/being impacted by) Xthat which is for the benefit/detriment of X[2]: For the deleted definition of this Inverse Accessor, you should use Case Stacking Affix instead. - C.S.: (to be) a TRA semantic relationship where X is intended to be benefited/detrimented by something; that which is the intended benefit or detriment of (receiving/being impacted by) X
- C.A.: (to be) the one for whose sake, or out of deference/respect to whom, X occurs
- I.A.: (to be) that which occurs or is done out of respect/deference, or for the sake of, X
- C.S.: (to be) a DFR semantic relationship where something occurs or is done out of respect/deference, or for the sake of, X
- C.A.: (to be) that which substitutes for X or takes X’s place
- I.A.: (to be) that for which X is substituted or whose place X takes
- C.S.: (to be) a CRS semantic relationship where X is substituted for or takes place of something
- C.A.: (to be) that on whose behalf X occurs/is
- I.A.: (to be) that which is (done) on X’s behalf
- C.S.: (to be) a TSP semantic relationship where something is (done) on X’s behalf
- COMMUTATIVE CMM: uo / öä[1:1]
- C.A.: (to be) that which is
receivedrelinquished in an act of exchange; that which is in exchange for X - I.A.: (to be) that which is
relinquishedreceived in an act of exchange; the party in exchange for which X occurs - C.S.: (to be) a CMM semantic relationship where something is in exchange for X
- C.A.: (to be) that which is
- C.A.: (to be) that which is compared to X; mistakenly copied from CFM:
that which is according to or pursuant to X; that which occurs as per, or in conformance to X - I.A.: (to be) that which X is compared to; mistakenly copied from CFM:
that, according to or pursuant to which, or as per or in conformance to which, X is/occurs - C.S.: (to be) a CMP semantic relationship where X is compared to something
- C.A.: (to be) that which is compared to X; mistakenly copied from CFM:
- CONSIDERATIVE CSD: ua / iä[1:2]
- C.A.: (to be)
that which is according to Xthat which X is according to - I.A.: (to be)
that which X is according tothat which is according to X - C.S.: (to be) a CSD semantic relationship where something is according to X
- C.A.: (to be)
Difference From Ithkuil 2011:
- The DEFERENTIAL is now reintroduced from Ithkuil 2004 to disambiguate phrases such as “I have a gift for your mother” meaning either your mother is the intended recipient (BENEFACTIVE) or your mother is the motivating reason for the gift (DEFERENTIAL).
- C.A.: (to be) the manner in which X is/occurs
- I.A.: (to be) that which is/occurs in a manner described or characterized by X
- C.S.: (to be) a FUN semantic relationship where something is/occurs in a manner described or characterized by X
- C.A.: (to be) that into which, X transforms/changes
- I.A.: (to be) that which
is/occurs as a result of the transformation oftransforms/changes into X - C.S.: (to be) a TFM semantic relationship where something transforms/changes into X; a transformation into X
- C.A.: (to be) the basis by which X is arranged, sorted, patterned or counted
- I.A.: (to be) that which is arranged, sorted, patterned, or counted by/via X
- C.S.: (to be) a CLA semantic relationship where something is arranged, sorted, patterned, or counted by/via X
- C.A.: (to be)
the result/consequence of which, X occurs/isthat which is the result/consequence of X - I.A.: (to be)
that which results from or is a consequence of Xthat whose result/consequence is X - C.S.: (to be) a RSL semantic relationship where X is the result/consequence of something
- C.A.: (to be)
- C.A.: (to be)
that by which X is consumed or used upthat which is consumed in the process of X - I.A.: (to be)
that which is consumed in the process of Xthat by which X is consumed or used up - C.S.: (to be) a CSM semantic relationship where X is consumed or used up by something
- C.A.: (to be)
- C.A.: (to be) that, in spite of or regardless of which, X occurs/is
- I.A.: (to be) that which is/occurs in spite of or regardless of X
- C.S.: (to be) a CON semantic relationship where something is/occurs in spite of or regardless of X
- C.A.: (to be) that, in aversion to which, X occurs/is
- I.A.: (to be) that which is/occurs in avoidance or fear of X
- C.S.: (to be) a AVR semantic relationship where something is/occurs in avoidance or fear of X
- C.A.: (to be) that, if not for which, or but for which, or except for which, X (would) occur(s); an exception to X
- I.A.: (to be) that which would be/occur but for, or if not for, or except for X; that which X is an exception to
- C.S.: (to be) a CVS semantic relationship where X is an exception to something
- C.A.: (to be) that, because of which, or given which, X occurs/is; the background content of X
- I.A.: (to be) that which is/occurs because of, on account of, or given, X; that whose background context is X
- C.S.: (to be) a SIT semantic relationship where X is the background context of something
Difference From Ithkuil 2011:
- IRRESPECTIVE IRS case have been eliminated: “whether X or not”, “whether or not X”, “regardless of X” (previously named the RESTRICTIVE RST)
- C.A.: (to be) that which X is about or to which X pertains/is in regard; that which is a referent to X
- I.A.: (to be) that which pertains to X or which is about or in regard to X; that which X is a referent to
- C.S.: (to be) a PRN semantic relationship where X is a referent to something
- C.A.: (to be)
that which is characterized or describable by/as Xthat which characterizes or functions as a description for X - I.A.: (to be)
that which characterizes or functions as a description for Xthat which is characterized or describable by/as X - C.S.: (to be) a DSC semantic relationship where X functions as a description for something
- C.A.: (to be)
- C.A.: (to be) that which X is associated/relative to or in relation to
- I.A.: (to be) that which is associated with or relative to X
- C.S.: (to be) a COR semantic relationship where something is associated with or relative to X
- C.A.: (to be) that of which X is made/composed or consists of
- I.A.: (to be) that which consists of, is made of, or is composed of X
- C.S.: (to be) a CPS semantic relationship where something is composed of X
- C.A.: (to be) that which accompanies X
- I.A.: (to be) that which X accompanies
- C.S.: (to be) a COM semantic relationship where X accompanies something
- C.A.: (to be)
that which circumstantially uses/utilizes Xthat which is used/utilized circumstantially by X - I.A.: (to be)
that which is used/utilized circumstantially by Xthat which circumstantially uses/utilizes X - C.S.: (to be) a UTL semantic relationship where X is used/utilized circumstantially by something
- C.A.: (to be)
- C.A.: (to be) that upon which X relies or is based upon
- I.A.: (to be) that which relies on or is based upon X
- C.S.: (to be) a PRD semantic relationship where something relies or is based upon X
- C.A.: (to be) that which identifies or distinguishes X from other parties
- I.A.: (to be) the party identified by or distinguishable by X
- C.S.: (to be) a RLT semantic relationship where something is identified by or distinguishable by X
Differences From Ithkuil 2011:
- DESCRIPTIVE DSC case = adjectival case: “X-ish; like X; having the quality/characteristics of X”
- The use of the CORRELATIVE “characterized by X” moved to DSC case; “spatially relative to” moved to IRL case; Conductive CNV merged into COR.
- The use of the COMPOSITIVE, when used with verbs (e.g., She cooks using tomatoes), is eliminated. Instead, this usage can be accomplished via either the INSTRUMENTAL, the UTILITATIVE, or the CONSUMPTIVE depending on the context.
- RELATIVE RLT case: “...which/that X”, “...which/that is/does X” [creates the equivalent to a simple relative clause]
Eliminated cases:
- POSTULATIVE PTL merged into Provisional PVS;
- ABESSIVE ABE replaced by COM case with a negation affix;
- EXCEPTIVE EXC replaced by a new coordinative affix CTR meaning “except for; but (not)...”
- SEMBLATIVE SBL case = “as if (it were) X”, Distinguished from the ASSIMILATIVE to disambiguate phrases such as treat her as/like a princess having two different implications: (1) “...because she is a princess (or like one)” [ASSIMILATIVE] or (2) “...even though she isn’t a princess (or doesn’t look/act/seem like one)” [new SEMBLATIVE case]. Now Use ESS and ASI instead.
- The CONJUNCTIVE case has been eliminated. Use the COMITATIVE case + PARALLEL or COMPLEMENTARY valence instead.
- C.A.: (to be) the one who experiences a modal state of X
- I.A.: (to be) the modal state which X experiences
- C.S.: (to be) a ACT semantic relationship where X experiences the modal state
- C.A.: (to be)
that which/who is/does like or as (it were) Xthat, as if it were which, X is/occurs - I.A.: (to be)
that, as if it were which, X is/occursthat which/who is/does like or as (it were) X - C.S.: (to be) a ASI semantic relationship where something is as (it were) X
- C.A.: (to be)
- ESSIVE ESS: ei[1:8]
- C.A.: (to be)
that whose role is X, or what/who is named (as) Xthat, in whose role/name, X is/occurs - I.A.: (to be)
that, in whose role/name, X is/occursthat whose role is X, or what/who is named (as) X - C.S.: (to be) a ESS semantic relationship where X is the role of something
- C.A.: (to be)
- C.A.: (to be) X’s goal; what X pursues as a goal
- I.A.: (to be)
the goal Xthat whose goal is X[2:1]: For the deleted definition of this Inverse Accessor, you should use Case Stacking Affix instead. - C.S.: (to be) a TRM semantic relationship where X is the goal of something
- C.A.: (to be) the recurring entity/period on/for/with which X occurs
- I.A.: (to be) that which is/occurs on a recurrent schedule or iteration X
- C.S.: (to be) a SEL semantic relationship where something is/occurs on a recurrent schedule or iteration X
- C.A.: (to be)
that which is pursuant to, as per, or in conformance with Xthat which X is pursuant to or in conformance with - I.A.: (to be)
that which X is pursuant to or in conformance withthat which is pursuant to, as per, or in conformance with X - C.S.: (to be) a CFM semantic relationship where something is pursuant to, as per, or in conformance with X
- C.A.: (to be)
- C.A.: (to be) that upon which the existence/occurrence of X depends
- I.A.: (to be) that whose existence or occurrence depends on X
- C.S.: (to be) a DEP semantic relationship where the existence or occurrence of something depends on X
- Revisor’s Comment: Although its accessors have no definition, it does have grammatical significance: see the root doc for how to name grammatical categories using New Ithkuil {.note}; The following are possible definitions[2:2]:
- C.A.: (to be) a direct address in reference to X
- I.A.: (to be) referenced by a direct address to X
- C.S.: (to be) a VOC semantic relationship where something referenced by a direct address to X
Differences From Ithkuil 2011:
- TERMINATIVE TRM: identifies a GOAL (whether circumstantial, sequential, figurative, spatial or temporal) [NOTE: the name TERMINATIVE has been reassigned from Ithkuil’s TERMINATIVE extension, which in turn has been renamed the ATTENTUATIVE in this language.]
- The SELECTIVE is renamed from Ithkuil’s EPISODIC EPS case and expanded to include spatial phenomena, e.g., every third book, every green one.
- CONFORMATIVE CFM case = ‘as per (the requirements of)’ = ‘in conformance with (the dictates of)’ = ‘as is necessitated by’ [split off from Ithkuil’s CONSIDERATIVE case]
- LOCATIVE LOC: ia / uä
- C.A.: (to be) where X occurs/is (situated); X’s location
- I.A.: (to be) that which is located, situated, or occurring at X
- C.S.: (to be) a LOC semantic relationship where something is located, situated, or occurring at X
- ATTENDANT ATD: ie / uë
- C.A.: (to be) that in whose presence which, X is/occurs
- I.A.: (to be) that which is situated or occurring in X’s presence
- C.S.: (to be) a ATD semantic relationship where something is situated or occurring in X’s presence
- ALLATIVE ALL: io / üä
- C.A.: (to be) where X is headed/going toward
- I.A.: (to be) that which is headed toward X
- C.S.: (to be) a ALL semantic relationship where something is headed toward X
- ABLATIVE ABL: iö / üë
- C.A.: (to be) where X is coming from or moving away from
- I.A.: (to be) that which is coming from or moving away from X
- C.S.: (to be) a ABL semantic relationship where something is coming from or moving away from X
- C.A.: (to be) that which serves as X’s orientational interface
- I.A.: (to be) that which is oriented, facing in the direction designated by X
- C.S.: (to be) a ORI semantic relationship where something is oriented, facing in the direction designated by X
- C.A.: (to be) the place/time relative to which, X is/occurs
- I.A.: (to be) that which occurs relative to the place/time designated by X
- C.S.: (to be) a IRL semantic relationship where something occurs relative to the place/time designated by X
- INTRATIVE INV: uo / öä
- C.A.: (to be) the place/time since/until/between which, X is/occurs; a boundary point of X
- I.A.: (to be) that which occurs since, until, or between the place(s)/time(s) designated by X; bounded by X
- C.S.: (to be) a INV semantic relationship where something occurs since, until, or between the place(s)/time(s) designated by X
- C.A.: (to be) that which serves as X’s directional trajectory, path or way
- I.A.: (to be) that which is traveling along the directional trajectory, path or way designated by X
- C.S.: (to be) a NAV semantic relationship where something is traveling along the directional trajectory, path or way designated by X
Differences from Ithkuil 2011:
- ATTENDANT ATD case = ‘in the presence of X’, ‘before/with X’ = ‘in X’s presence’ [implies purposeful or a relational reference to X, different from LOCATIVE which only signifies location], e.g., the difference between ‘I am in my car’ (LOCATIVE) vs. ‘I am at my car’ (ATTENDANT), the latter implying “I’ve arrived at my car” or “My car is before me.”
- The PROCURSIVE PSV has been merged with the ORIENTATIVE (the former’s meaning occurs with static verbs, the latter’s meaning with verbs of motion).
- INTERRELATIVE IRL case: ‘spatially/temporally relative to’ [taken from the 2nd function of existing Ithkuil CORRELATIVE case]
- C.A.: (to be) when X is/occurs
- I.A.: (to be) that which is/occurs at a certain time X
- C.S.: (to be) a CNR semantic relationship where something is/occurs at a certain time X
- C.A.: (to be) the spatial, temporal, or unit basis for the ratio by which X is measured, alloted, etc.
- I.A.: (to be) that which is measured via a ratio based on a spatial, temporal, or unit increment X
- C.S.: (to be) a ASS semantic relationship where something is measured via a ratio based on a spatial, temporal, or unit increment X
- C.A.: (to be) the time period or event during which X occurs
- I.A.: (to be) that which is/occurs during or within a time period X
- C.S.: (to be) a PER semantic relationship where something is/occurs during or within a time period X
- C.A.: (to be) (the time period or event constituting) the duration of X
- I.A.: (to be) that which lasts, endures, or takes up an amount of time X
- C.S.: (to be) a PRO semantic relationship where something lasts, endures, or takes up an amount of time X
- C.A.: (to be) the act/event or point in time, prior to which, X occurs
- I.A.: (to be) the act/event or point in time which is/occurs prior to X
- C.S.: (to be) a PCV semantic relationship where something is/occurs prior to X
- C.A.: (to be) the act/event or time,after/following which or subsequent to which, X occurs
- I.A.: (to be) the act/event or time which is/occurs after or following or subsequent to X
- C.S.: (to be) a PCR semantic relationship where something is/occurs after or following or subsequent to X
- C.A.: (to be) the amount of elapsed time between X and a past or future act/event/time
- I.A.: (to be) the act/event/state which occurs X amount of elapsed time between then and the contextual present.
- C.S.: (to be) a ELP semantic relationship where something occurs X amount of elapsed time between then and the contextual present.
- C.A.: (to be) the time/event by which time X is/occurs
- I.A.: (to be) the act/event or point in time which is/occurs by the time of X
- C.S.: (to be) a PLM semantic relationship where something is/occurs by the time of X
Eliminated cases:
- SIMULTANEITIVE SML case eliminated – use CNR or ASS instead, as appropriate to context.
- DIFFUSIVE DFF case combined with CNR case;
- ALLAPSIVE ALP case merged into ELAPSIVE case (Use aspect to distinguish ... ago vs. ... from now)
- INTERPOLATIVE INP case eliminated; use PRO instead;
- PRECURRENT PRT case = “there having first been X” / “preceded by X” (temporal or spatial)
7.6.1 The Phonological Structure of Case-Accessor, Inverse Case-Accessor, and Case-Stacking Affixes
The phonological structure of these affixes is as follows: The Vx
portion of the affix is the standard four vowel-form series of regular VxCs
affixes. There are two separate Cs
increments for each of the seven types of affix (Types-1, -2, and -3 Case-Accessor, Types-1, -2, and -3 Inverse Case-Accessor, and Case-Stacking Affix), the first Cs
increment being used for Cases 1 through 36, while the second Cs
increment is used for Cases 37 through 68.
for the first 36 Cases is the first four standard-vowel form series (i.e., the same as their corresponding Vc
case-affixes). Cases 37-68 utilize the same four vowel-form series (i.e., no glottal-stop is added to the Vx
increment), the distinction from the first 36 Cases being indicated by their different Cs
increment. This structure allows Case-Accessor and Case-Stacking affixes to appear in Slot V or Slot VII or in affixual adjuncts. See Sec. 5.7 as to how using the Case-Stacking affix on UNFRAMED verbal formatives can function as a substitute for Case-Frames.
Cases | Type-1 | Type-2 | Type-3 | |||
Vx = Series No. | Cs = | Vx = Series No. | Cs = | Vx = Series No. | Cs = | |
1-9 | 1 | sw | 1 | zw | 1 | čw |
10-18 | 2 | 2 | 2 | |||
19-27 | 3 | 3 | 3 | |||
28-36 | 4 | 4 | 4 | |||
37-44 * | 1 | sy | 1 | zy | 1 | čy |
45-52 * | 2 | 2 | 2 | |||
53-60 * | 3 | 3 | 3 | |||
61-68 * | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Cases | Type-1 | Type-2 | Type-3 | |||
Vx = Series No. | Cs = | Vx = Series No. | Cs = | Vx = Series No. | Cs = | |
1-9 | 1 | šw | 1 | žw | 1 | jw |
10-18 | 2 | 2 | 2 | |||
19-27 | 3 | 3 | 3 | |||
28-36 | 4 | 4 | 4 | |||
37-44 * | 1 | šy | 1 | žy | 1 | jy |
45-52 * | 2 | 2 | 2 | |||
53-60 * | 3 | 3 | 3 | |||
61-68 * | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Cases | Vx = Series No. | Cs = |
1-9 | 1 | lw |
10-18 | 2 | |
19-27 | 3 | |
28-36 | 4 | |
37-44 * | 1 | ly |
45-52 * | 2 | |
53-60 * | 3 | |
61-68 * | 4 |
* For Cases 37 through 68: since these four case-groups each contain only eight Cases rather than nine and Vowel-Form No. 8 (the ü-tier) for each group is not used, similarly the eighth tier of vowel-forms are not used for these Case-Accessor or Case-Stacking affixes.
7.6.2 Examples of Type-1 and Type-2 Case-Assessor Affixes in Use
- Pţödá
- “seek”-OBJ/DYN-PRX-OBS
- lu
- psoloswëi.
- “cause.to.happen”-CSV/DYN-[default Ca]-ca:ERG₁-STM
What Iʼm seeking is the party who has done this.
- Pţödá
- “seek”-OBJ/DYN-PRX-OBS
- lu
- psolozwëi.
- “cause.to.happen”-CSV/DYN-[default Ca]-ca:ERG₂-STM
What Iʼm seeking is the perpetrator.
- Äţtulalzói
- CPT-“know”-DYN-[default Ca]-DSD₁/1-POT
- laʼi
- welošwa
- [default Ca]-Stem.2/PRC-“child”-ia:ERG₁-THM
- kšile.
- “clown”-OBJ-[default Ca]-ABS
I want to know what the child did to the clown.
- Malalzói
- “talk”-[default Ca]-DSD₁/1-POT
- laʼi
- erdwilařstëuswü.
- Stem.2/CPT-“building”-OBJ-[default Ca]-LCM₁/1-ca:PDC₁-DAT
I want to talk to the designer of the building
- Malalzói
- “talk”-[default Ca]-DSD₁/1-POT
- laʼi
- erdwilařstëuzwü.
- Stem.2/CPT-“building”-OBJ-[default Ca]-LCM₁/1-ca:PDC₂-DAT
I want to talk to the architect of the building.
- Malalzói
- “talk”-[default Ca]-DSD₁/1-POT
- laʼi
- erdwili’sya.
- Stem.2/CPT-“building”-OBJ-[default Ca]-ca:CPS₁-PRN
I want to talk about what the building is made out of.
- Malalzói
- “talk”-[default Ca]-DSD₁/1-POT
- laʼi
- erdwiliʼzya.
- Stem.2/CPT-“building”-OBJ-[default Ca]-ca:CPS₂-PRN
I want to talk about the building’s construction materials.
- Kšilá
- “clown”-OBJ-[default Ca]-OBS
- welëisya.
- [default Ca]-Stem.2/PRC-“child”-ia:COM₁-THM
The one whom the child is with is a clown.
- Kšilá
- “clown”-OBJ-[default Ca]-OBS
- welëizya.
- [default Ca]-Stem.2/PRC-“child”-ia:COM₂-THM
The child’s chaperone is a clown.
7.6.3 Type-3 Case-Assessor & Inverse Case-Assessor Affixes
Use these to modify an adjacent VxCs
; the Type-3 Accessor modifies the adjacent affix so that it refers to an appropriate participant to the formative where the nature of participation is indicated by the particular Case of the Accessor affix. The following are examples comparing a Type-3 Case-Accessor with its inverse counterpart:
- wupsovļäčwa
- [default Ca]-Stem.3/PRC-“event”-PLE/7-ca:INS₃
that by which a pleasant event occurs
- wupsovļäjwa
- [default Ca]-Stem.3/PRC-“event”-PLE/7-ia:INS₃
what a pleasant event is used for
- weproptočwa
- [default Ca]-Stem.2/PRC-“upward.motion”-DNG₁/7-ca:ERG₃
the one who dangerously pushes (it) upward
- weproptojwa
- [default Ca]-Stem.2/PRC-“upward.motion”-DNG₁/7-ia:ERG₃
that which one dangerously pushes upward
- wufjopčiečwa
- [default Ca]-Stem.3/PRC-“interfere”-AUT₁/7-ca:PUR₃
the purpose for using one’s authority to interfere
- wufjopčiejwa
- [default Ca]-Stem.3/PRC-“interfere”-AUT₁/7-ia:PUR₃
what using one’s authority to interfere is for
- weläxţičya
- [default Ca]-Stem.2/PRC-“child”-CNC₂/2-ca:TRM₃
the selfish child’s goal/
what the selfish child is after
- weläxţijya
- [default Ca]-Stem.2/PRC-“child”-CNC₂/2-ia:TRM₃
/the goal beingthat whose goal is a selfish child
that what is in pursuit/hope of a selfish child
Whenever one uses a Type-3 affix, whether a standard VxCs
affix or a Type-3 Case-Accessor or Type-3 inverse Case-Accessor affix, it should be remembered that the Type-3 affix qualifies the immediately preceding affix only (or following affix if there are only two affixes in that particular Slot), the Type-3 affix does not qualify the formative as a whole. If the use of the Type-3 affix results in semantic ambiguity or incoherence, do not use a Type-3 affix.
7.6.4 Examples of Case-Stacking Affixes
- Hmažfie-egulirkwá
- PRX/CONCATENATED:PRC-“healthy.state”-PUR-PARENT:Stem.2-“ambulate”-DYN-CYC₁/4-OBS
- ru
- yamţröalwaʼo.
- PRX-PRC-“rain”-CVS-CNR
I jog every day except during the rain.
Case-stacking allows for an alternative to Case-Frames. For example, examine the following sentence which uses a RELATIVE Case-Frame:
- Ẓulá
- “see”-DYN-[default Ca]-OBS
- mu
- ma/NEU-IND
- eňtyarka
- Stem.2-PRC-“written.page”-MSC/COA-THM
- bzmareʼna
- “rat”-G-TPF₁/3-PRN
- äšgúʼlayu
- CPT-“capture”-DYN/FRAMED-[default Ca]-RTR-RLT
- ro.
- 1m/BEN-ERG
S/he looks at the book about the rats I captured.
Now compare the above sentence to the following which uses a RELATIVE Case-Stacking affix in lieu of a Case-Frame:
- Ẓulá
- “see”-DYN-[default Ca]-OBS
- mu
- ma/NEU-IND
- eňtyarka
- Stem.2-PRC-“written.page”-MSC/COA-THM
- bzmarulyeʼna
- “rat”-G-RLT-TPF₁/3-PRN
- äšgulayâ
- CPT-“capture”-DYN/FRAMED-[default Ca]-RTR-RLT
- ro.
- 1m/BEN-ERG
S/he looks at the book about the rats I captured.
To understand more clearly how the ordering of the formatives, the placement of the Case-Stacking affix, and the use of the TPF affix serves to give the above sentence its specific meaning, compare it to the following sentence with its subtly, different meaning:
- Ẓulá
- “see”-DYN-[default Ca]-OBS
- mu
- ma/NEU-IND
- eňtyarka
- Stem.2-PRC-“written.page”-MSC/COA-THM
- äšgúʼlaya
- CPT-“capture”-DYN/FRAMED-[default Ca]-RTR-PRN
- ro
- 1m/BEN-ERG
- bzmare.
- PRC-“rat”-G-ABS
S/he looks at the book about me having captured the rats.
7.7 Using Slot II as a “Short-Cut” for Three Common Affixes
Formatives whose Slot I value is either [zero], h-, or hw- (i.e., the formative does not contain a Slot IV/VI a+ Ca
shortcut as per Sec. 3.10), have the option of using their Slot II vowel-form to show one of three common VxCs
affixes: NEG₁/4, DCD₁/4 or DCD₁/5. Note that if one of these three optional Affix Shortcuts is used, this affix has scope over the stem, its Ca
complex, and any other VxCs
affixes within the formative (i.e., it operates as if it were the last affix in Slot VII). The Slot II vowel-form short-cuts for these three affixes are shown in the table below.
Slot II Vv
Values if Slot I is [zero], h-, or hw- (i.e., the formative does not contain a Slot IV/VI a + Ca
Stem | Version | Vv | Vv + Optional Affix Shortcuts | ||
NEG/4 | DCD/4 | DCD/5 | |||
Stem 1 | PRC | (a) | ai | ia / uä | ao |
CPT | ä | au | ie / uë | aö | |
Stem 2 | PRC | e | ei | io / üä | eo |
CPT | i | eu | iö / üë | eö | |
Stem 3 | PRC | u | ui | ua / iä | oa |
CPT | ü | iu | ue / ië | öa | |
Stem 0 | PRC | o | oi | uo / öä | oe |
CPT | ö | ou | uö / öë | öe |