- 语义角色 semantic role
- 语用角色 pragmatic role
- 语法或句法关系 grammatical (or syntactical) relations
- 论元结构 argument structure
- 位置槽 Positional Slot
- 音素 phone
- 音位 phoneme
- 音高 pitch
- 音调 accent
- 重读 stress
- 重读的 stressed
- 重读模式 stress pattern
- 次音节重读 penultimate stress
- 尾音节重读 ultimate stress
- 前音节重读 antepenultimate stress
- 音节重读 syllabic stress
- 声调 tone
- 语音组合法 phonotactics
- 音系 phonology
- 辅音 + 元音形式 consonant-form and vowel-form
- 声门塞音 glottal stop
- 增音性元音 Epenthetic Vowel
- 浊音 voiced
- 清音 voiceless
- 通音 continuant
- 舌尖 - 龈颤音 apico-alveolar trill
- 元音间 intervocalic
- 塞擦音 affricate
- 爆发音 plosive
- 擦音 fricative
- 咝音 sibilant
- 有咝通音 sibilant continuant
- 延长 Gemination
- 得以延长 to be geminated
- 长辅音 geminated consonant
- 词首位置 word-initial position
- 词尾位置 word-final position
- 变音符号 diacritic
- 扬音符 acute accent
- 扬抑符 circumflex accent
- 抑音符 grave accent
- written juncture 书面音渡
词素 morph
词位 morpheme
词根 root
- 载词根 Carrier Root
- 特化Cs-词根 Specialized Cs-Roots
- 特化指代词根 Specialized Referential Roots
词干 Stems
- 词干一 Stem 1
- 词干二 Stem 2
- 词干三 Stem 3
- 词干零 Stem 0
词缀 Affixes
- 程度 Degrees
- 梯度类型 Gradient-Type
- 词缀类型 Affix Type
- 甲型词缀 Type-1 Affix
- 乙型词缀 Type-2 Affix
- 丙型词缀 Type-3 Affix
列位 Slot
联接 Concatenation
- 联型 Concatenation Type
- 联对 Concatenated Pair
- 联链 Concatenation/Concatenated Chain
- 联态 Concatenation Status
- 无联型 No Concatenation
- 甲型联接 Type-1 Concatenation
- 乙型联接 Type-2 Concatenation
未联的 unconcatenated
联态的 concatenated
联构词 concatenated formative
- 甲型联构词 Type-1 concatenated formative
- 乙型联构词 Type-2 concatenated formative
语境性 circumstantial
派生性 derivational
限制性 limited
多成分组合的、综合的 portmanteau
范畴 category
构造 formation
复合型词缀 affix-complex
描述性 descriptive
简替形式 shortcut
类型学 typology
黏着语 agglutinative language
综合语 synthetic language
形义词干 morpho-semantic stem
屈折变化 inflection
词汇派生 derivation
单词结构 word structure
列位 slot
词缀 affix
标准元音形式序列 Standard Vowel-Form Sequence
记忆 memorization
表格 chart
矩阵 matrix
二合元音 diphthong
双音节组合 disyllabic conjunct
双元音组合 : bivocalic conjunct
为语音组合法所禁止的 phonotactically impermissible
不悦耳的 euphonically undesirable
形态结构 morphological structure
倒装 reversal
- 构形词 Formatives
- 主构词 Parent Formative
- 独构词 Standalone Formative
- 联构词 Concatenated Formatives
- 小词 Adjuncts
- 词缀小词 Affixual Adjuncts
- 单缀小词 Single-Affix Adjunct
- 复缀小词 Multiple-Affix Adjunct
- 模小词 Modular Adjuncts
- 言域小词 Register Adjuncts
- 补小词 Suppletive Adjuncts
- 载小词 CAR Carrier Adjunct
- 引小词 QUO Quotative Adjunct
- 名小词 NAM Naming Adjunct
- 短语小词 PHR Phrasal Adjunct
- 观感小词 Bias Adjuncts
- 语析小词 Parsing Adjuncts
- 指代词 Referentials
- 单指代词 Single-Referent Referential
- 双指代词 Dual-Referent Referential
- 带格叠加的组合指代词 Combination Referential with Case-Stacking
- 指代范畴
- 一称个指 1m Monadic Speaker Referential
- 二称个指 2m Monadic Addressee Referential
- 二称众指 2p Polyadic Addressee Referential
- 三称有生个指 ma Monadic Animate 3rd Party Referential
- 三称有生众指 pa Polyadic Animate 3rd Party Referential
- 三称无生个指 mi Monadic Inanimate 3rd Party Referential
- 三称无生众指 pi Polyadic Inanimate 3rd Party Referential
- 三称或生众指 Mx Mixed Animate/ Inanimate 3rd Party Referential
- 回指 Rdp Reduplicative Referential
- 远指 Obv Obviative Referential
- 暂指 PVS Provisional Referential
详述 Specifications
- 基本述 BSC Basic Specification
- 内容述 CTE Contential Specification
- 构成述 CSV Constitutive Specification
- 对象述 OBJ Objective Specification
功能 Functions
- 静态功能 STA Static/Stative Function
- 动态功能 DYN Dynamic Function
版本 Versions
- 进程版 PRC Processual Version
- 完成版 CPT Completive Version
构型 Configurations
- 构数 Plexities
- 单构 U- Uniplex
- 双构 D- Duplex
- 复构 M- Multiplex
- 似度 Similarities
- 相似 -S- Similar
- 各异 -D- Different/Dissimilar
- 含混 -F- Fuzzy
- 分性 Separabilities
- 相离 -S Separate
- 相连 -C Connected
- 相合 -F Fused
- 单构型 UPX Uniplex Configuration
- 复似离 MSS Multiplex-Similar-Separate Configuration
- 复似连 MSC Multiplex-Similar-Connected Configuration
- 复似合 MSF Multiplex-Similar-Fused Configuration
- 复异离 MDS Multiplex-Dissimilar-Separate Configuration
- 复异连 MDC Multiplex-Dissimilar-Connected Configuration
- 复异合 MDF Multiplex-Dissimilar-Fused Configuration
- 复混离 MFS Multiplex-Fuzzy-Separate Configuration
- 复混连 MFC Multiplex-Fuzzy-Connected Configuration
- 复混合 MFF Multiplex-Fuzzy-Fused Configuration
- 双构型 DPX Duplex Configuration
- 双似离 DSS Duplex-Similar-Separate Configuration
- 双似连 DSC Duplex-Similar-Connected Configuration
- 双似合 DSF Duplex-Similar-Fused Configuration
- 双异离 DDS Duplex-Dissimilar-Separate Configuration
- 双异连 DDC Duplex-Dissimilar-Connected Configuration
- 双异合 DDF Duplex-Dissimilar-Fused Configuration
- 双混离 DFS Duplex-Fuzzy-Separate Configuration
- 双混连 DFC Duplex-Fuzzy-Connected Configuration
- 双混合 DFF Duplex-Fuzzy-Fused Configuration
系属 Affiliations
- 自然属 CSL Consolidative Affiliation
- 一致属 ASO Associative Affiliation
- 协同属 COA Coalescent Affiliation
- 分化属 VAR Variative Affiliation
限域 Extensions
- 全限域 DEL Delimitive Extension
- 近限域 PRX Proximal Extension
- 起始域 ICP Inceptive Extension
- 终止域 ATV Attenuative Extension
- 渐长域 GRA Graduative Extension
- 渐消域 DPL Depletive Extension
视界 Perspectives
- 个例界 M Monadic Perspective
- 类聚界 G Agglomerative Perspective
- 宇宙界 N Nomic Perspective
- 无形界 A Abstract Perspective
本质 Essences
- 正常本质 NRM Normal Essence
- 假想本质 RPV Representative Essence
时体 Aspects
- 回顾体 RTR Retrospective Aspect
- 展望体 PRS Prospective Aspect
- 习惯体 HAB Habitual Aspect
- 进行体 PRG Progressive Aspect
- 将近体 IMM Imminent Aspect
- 刚才体 PCS Precessive Aspect
- 规律体 REG Regulative Aspect
- 已然体 SMM Summative Aspect
- 预期体 ATP Anticipatory Aspect
- 接续体 RSM Resumptive Aspect
- 停止体 CSS Cessative Aspect
- 暂停体 PAU Pausal Aspect
- 重返体 RGR Regressive Aspect
- 专一体 PCL Preclusive Aspect
- 继续体 CNT Continuative Aspect
- 持续体 ICS Incessative Aspect
- 曾经体 EXP Experiential Aspect
- 中断体 IRP Interruptive Aspect
- 首发体 PMP Preemptive Aspect
- 最终体 CLM Climactic Aspect
- 久延体 DLT Dilatory Aspect
- 暂时体 TMP Temporary Aspect
- 耗时体 XPD Expenditive Aspect
- 及时体 LIM Limitative Aspect
- 匆忙体 EPD Expeditive Aspect
- 延长体 PTC Protractive Aspect
- 预备体 PPR Preparatory Aspect
- 显发体 DCL Disclusive Aspect
- 结果体 CCL Conclusive Aspect
- 结局体 CUL Culminative Aspect
- 某刻体 IMD Intermediative Aspect
- 减退体 TRD Tardative Aspect
- 过渡体 TNS Transitional Aspect
- 回施体 ITC Intercommutative Aspect
- 去往体 MTV Motive Aspect
- 依序体 SQN Sequential Aspect
效果 Effects
- 利我效 1:BEN Beneficial to Speaker Effect
- 利尔效 2:BEN Beneficial to Addressee Effect
- 利他效 3:BEN Beneficial to Third Party Effect
- 利己效 SLF:BEN Beneficial to Self Effect
- 未知效 UNK Unknown Benefit Effect
- 害己效 SLF:DET Detrimental to Self Effect
- 害他效 3:DET Detrimental to Third Party Effect
- 害尔效 2:DET Detrimental to Addressee Effect
- 害我效 1:DET Detrimental to Speaker Effect
级别 Levels
每个都区分相对级别 Relative Level 和绝对级别 Absolute Level
- 最小级 MIN Minimal Level
- 低等级 SBE Subequative Level
- 最低级 IFR Inferior Level
- 较低级 DFT Deficient Level
- 相等级 EQU Equative Level
- 较高级 SUR Surpassive Level
- 最高级 SPL Superlative Level
- 高等级 SPQ Superequative Level
- 最大级 MAX Maximal Level
相位 Phases
- 点瞬相 PCT Punctual Phase
- 点复相 ITR Iterative Phase
- 重复相 REP Repetitive Phase
- 间歇相 ITM Intermittent Phase
- 反复相 RCT Recurrent Phase
- 频繁相 FRE Frequentative Phase
- 断续相 FRG Fragmentative Phase
- 摇摆相 VAC Vacillative Phase
- 随机相 FLC Fluctuative Phase
配价 Valences
- 独动价 MNO Monoactive Valence
- 共动价 PRL Parallel Valence
- 各动价 CRO Corollary Valence
- 互动价 RCP Reciprocal Valence
- 补动价 CPL Complementary Valence
- 复动价 DUP Duplicative Valence
- 示动价 DEM Demonstrative Valence
- 接动价 CNG Contingent Valence
- 参动价 PTI Participative Valence
语境 Contexts
- 存在语境 EXS Existential Context
- 意味语境 FNC Functional Context
- 喻意语境 RPS Representational Context
- 融合语境 AMG Amalgamative Context
格 Cases & 格式 Formats
- 论元格 Transrelative Cases
- 主事格 THM Thematic Case
- 工具格 INS Instrumental Case
- 受事格 ABS Absolutive Case
- 感事格 AFF Affective Case
- 刺激格 STM Stimulative Case
- 使然格 EFF Effectuative Case
- 施事格 ERG Ergative Case
- 领事格 DAT Dative Case
- 自发格 IND Inducive Case
- 邻置格 Appositive Cases
- 暂有格 POS Possessive Case
- 物主格 PRP Proprietive Case
- 生有格 GEN Genitive Case
- 体验格 ATT Attributive Case
- 作者格 PDC Productive Case
- 诠释格 ITP Interpretative Case
- 来源格 OGN Originative Case
- 相依格 IDP Interdependent Case
- 部分格 PAR Partitive Case
- 关联格 Associative Cases
- 应用格 APL Applicative Case
- 意图格 PUR Purposive Case
- 蒙受格 TRA Transmissive Case
- 重视格 DFR Deferential Case
- 对立格 CRS Contrastive Case
- 代表格 TSP Transpositive Case
- 交换格 CMM Commutative Case
- 对比格 CMP Comparative Case
- 观念格 CSD Considerative Case
- 状语格 Adverbial Cases
- 方式格 FUN Functive Case
- 转化格 TFM Transformative Case
- 分类格 CLA Classificative Case
- 结果格 RSL Resultative Case
- 消耗格 CSM Consumptive Case
- 让步格 CON Concessive Case
- 避免格 AVR Aversive Case
- 若非格 CVS Conversive Case
- 处境格 SIT Situative Case
- 连属格 Relational Cases
- 关于格 PRN Pertinential Case
- 描述格 DSP Descriptive Case
- 相关格 COR Correlative Case
- 成分格 CPS Compositive Case
- 伴随格 COM Comitative Case
- 持用格 UTL Utilitative Case
- 基于格 PRD Predicative Case
- 关系格 RLT Relative Case
- 系联格 Affinitive Cases
- 意能格 ACT Activative Case
- 如同格 ASI Assimilative Case
- 作为格 ESS Essive Case
- 目标格 TRM Terminative Case
- 每逢格 SEL Selective Case
- 根据格 CFM Conformative Case
- 依赖格 DEP Dependent Case
- 呼格 VOC Vocative Case
- 时空格 Spatio-Temporal Cases
- 位格 LOC Locative Case
- 当场格 ATD Attendant Case
- 向格 ALL Allative Case
- 离格 ABL Ablative Case
- 定向格 ORI Orientative Case
- 相对格 IRL Interrelative Case
- 起止格 INV Intrative Case
- 路径格 NAV Navigative Case
- 时段格 CNR Concursive Case
- 比例格 ASS Assessive Case
- 时期格 PER Periodic Case
- 时长格 PRO Prolapsive Case
- 之前格 PCV Precursive Case
- 之后格 PCR Postcursive Case
- 经过格 ELP Elapsive Case
- 到时格 PLM Prolimitive Case
格辖 Case-Scope
- 自然辖 CCN Natural Case-Scope
- 先行辖 CCA Antecedent Case-Scope
- 从属辖 CCS Subaltern Case-Scope
- 修饰辖 CCS Qualifier Case-Scope
- 前行辖 CCS Precedent Case-Scope
- 接连辖 CCV Successive Case-Scope
语式 Moods
- 事实式 FAC Factual Mood
- 虚拟式 SUB Subjunctive Mood
- 假定式 ASM Assumptive Mood
- 推测式 SPC Speculative Mood
- 违实式 COU Counterfactive Mood
- 假设式 HYP Hypothetical Mood
言据 Validations
- 观察据 OBS Observational Validation
- 回忆据 REC Recollective Validation
- 声称据 PUP Purportive Validation
- 报告据 RPR Reportive Validation
- 未定据 USP Unspecified Validation
- 想象据 IMA Imaginary Validation
- 公认据 CVN Conventional Validation
- 直觉据 ITU Intuitive Validation
- 推论据 INF Inferential Validation
语为 Illocutions
- 表述语为 ASR Assertive Illocution
- 意使语为 DIR Directive Illocution
- 宣示语为 DEC Declarative Illocution
- 询问语为 IRG Interrogative Illocution
- 确认语为 VRF Verificative Illocution
- 劝示语为 ADM Admonitive Illocution
- 祈愿语为 POT Potentiative Illocution
- 但愿语为 HOR Hortative Illocution
- 假设语为 CNJ Conjectural Illocution
观感 Bias
- 幸运观 ACC Accidental Bias
- 原型观 ACH Archetypal Bias
- 承认观 ADS Admissive Bias
- 宣布观 ANN Annunciative Bias
- 期盼观 ANP Anticipative Bias
- 赞同观 APB Approbative Bias
- 担忧观 APH Apprehensive Bias
- 任意观 ARB Arbitrary Bias
- 敬畏观 ATE Attentive Bias
- 好笑观 CMD Comedic Bias
- 断言观 CNV Contensive Bias
- 偶运观 COI Coincidental Bias
- 败坏观 CRP Corruptive Bias
- 纠正观 CRR Corrective Bias
- 鄙视观 CTP Contemptive Bias
- 思惑观 CTV Contemplative Bias
- 不安观 DCC Disconcertive Bias
- 沮丧观 DEJ Dejective Bias
- 无奈观 DES Desperative Bias
- 羞怯观 DFD Diffident Bias
- 轻淡观 DIS Dismissive Bias
- 愉悦观 DLC Delectative Bias
- 疼痛观 DOL Dolorous Bias
- 反感观 DPB Disapprobative Bias
- 嘲讽观 DRS Derisive Bias
- 怀疑观 DUB Dubitative Bias
- 狂喜观 EUH Euphoric Bias
- 委婉观 EUP Euphemistic Bias
- 恼嘲观 EXA Exasperative Bias
- 紧迫观 EXG Exigent Bias
- 顺受观 FOR Fortuitous Bias
- 着迷观 FSC Fascinative Bias
- 满意观 GRT Gratificative Bias
- 愠怒观 IDG Indignative Bias
- 迷恋观 IFT Infatuative Bias
- 当然观 IPL Implicative Bias
- 催促观 IPT Impatient Bias
- 讽刺观 IRO Ironic Bias
- 乏味观 ISP Insipid Bias
- 不满观 IVD Invidious Bias
- 强制观 MND Mandatory Bias
- 明示观 MNF Manifestive Bias
- 夸张观 OPT Optimal Bias
- 悲观观 PES Pessimistic Bias
- 奇异观 PPT Propitious Bias
- 困惘观 PPX Perplexive Bias
- 提议观 PPV Propositive Bias
- 平淡观 PSC Prosaic Bias
- 推定观 PSM Presumptive Bias
- 意外观 RAC Reactive Bias
- 表观观 RFL Reflective Bias
- 弃绝观 RSG Resignative Bias
- 厌恶观 RPU Repulsive Bias
- 发现观 RVL Revelative Bias
- 满足观 SAT Satiative Bias
- 建议观 SGS Suggestive Bias
- 质疑观 SKP Skeptical Bias
- 请催观 SOL Solicitative Bias
- 恍然观 STU Stupefactive Bias
- 惊恐观 TRP Trepidative Bias
- 恼火观 VEX Vexative Bias
关系 Relations
- 无框 Unframed Relation
- 有框 Framed Relation
格框 Case-Frame
正格辅词缀 Case-Accessor Affix
反格辅词缀 Inverse Case-Accessor Affix
格叠加词缀 Case-Stacking Affix
言域 Registers
- 叙事域 NRR Narrative Register
- 直言域 DSV Discursive Register
- 附注域 PNT Parenthetical Register
- 详述域 SPF Specificative Register
- 举例域 EXM Exemplificative Register
- 思索域 COG Cogitant Register
- 载止域 END Carrier-End Register